Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger Offers Anti-Aging Secrets...

Mick Jagger looks darn good at the mature age of 68, and now the Rolling Stones frontman is passing along some of his prized anti-aging secrets.

Jagger chalks up his well-preserved form to a routine that includes Pilates, yoga and a disciplined and consistent exercise schedule, according to the Daily Times of Pakistan. His daily workout schedule – guided by famed trainer Torje Eike – begins with an eight-mile run. Then, Jagger adds in a variety of other cardiovascular activities, including kickboxing, swimming, cycling or simply a trip to the gym. He’s a big fan of Pilates and – get this – ballet. Yes, the rock and roller incorporates the graceful dance of ballet into his workout regime.

Jagger’s diet is also an important part of him staying healthy and young-looking. He stays away from alcohol and eats a variety of rice, whole grain bread, potatoes, pasta, beans, fish and chicken. He also uses expensive anti-aging creams.

Would you follow such an anti-aging program to stay fresh-looking, like Jagger?