Friday, September 16, 2011

Jagger Proves Richards Right, Says Guitarist Can't Come To Rolling Stones Anniversary


Bill Wyman, is no longer the only Stone Alone. Proving he had no mixed emotions Mick Jagger told Live magazine [via NME] that he'd be happy to accept any honors celebrating the band's 50th year in business, "except Keith obviously can't come."

The rift between the famed Jagger/Richard songwriting team is nothing new, but it hit a fever pitch this year when Richards cut Jagger to quick in his million-selling memoir Life, writing of the Stones' singer, "Marianne Faithfull had no fun with his tiny toddler."

Guess some girls complain about feeling unfulfilled.

Richards went on in the book to describe Jagger as "unbearable," and confessed that he hasn't been in Mick's dressing room in 20 years. (Maybe it's grown in all that time?)

Further, Richards basically accuses Jagger of acting like a little bitch ("that bitch Brenda" is also apparently one of the guitarist's pet names for the singer). Jagger's reaction, to make petty proclamations about who may and may not be allowed to attend a potential Stones anniversary celebration, doesn't exactly disprove Richards' unflattering characterization of him.