Keith Richards Mends Fences with Mick Jagger (Again)
Dave Hogan, Getty Images
They may not be touring to celebrate their 50th anniversary, but the Rolling Stones are still marking the occasion — fans can sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the band while leafing through the pages of a deluxe coffee table book commemorating their career, and there’s also a new documentary on the way. In an interview conducted for the film that was recently published by Rolling Stone, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards reflected on their long partnership — and seemed to bury the hatchet in their latest public spat.
“Looking back at any career you are bound to recall both the highs and the lows,” admitted Jagger. “In the 1980s, for instance, Keith and I were not communicating very well. I got very involved with the business side of the Stones, mainly because I felt no one else was interested, but it’s plain now from [Richards' memoir 'Life'] that Keith felt excluded, which is a pity. Time, I reckon, to move on.”
“Mick’s right,” responded Richards. “He and I have had conversations over the last year of a kind we have not had for an extremely long time and that has been incredibly important to me.”
Addressing the row that erupted between them after he mocked Jagger in ‘Life,’ Richards said, “As far as the book goes, it was my story and it was very raw, as I meant it to be, but I know that some parts of it and some of the publicity really offended Mick and I regret that.”